If you have an OPPO device and your location is not updating, please follow the below steps.
Also, if your friends' location is not updating on your device and they have an OPPO device, please refer them to this page.
Enable Location Services
iSharing will not be able to detect your location if location services are turned off.
ColorOS 6
- Settings > Additional Settings > Device & Privacy > Location > enable all settings & set to High accuracy
Give iSharing Permission to Access Location
ColorOS 6
- Settings > Apps Management > iSharing > Permissions > Location > Allow all the time.
Make sure Internet connection is active
Since iSharing updates your location via 3G/LTE/WiFi, your device always should be connected to the internet.
Turn on Wi-Fi
iSharing uses Wi-Fi signal to estimate a current location when GPS signal is not available(indoor or underground). We recommend you to turn on Wi-Fi even if you don’t use it.
- Settings > Wi-Fi on
Enable Mobile Data Usage
ColorOS 6
- Settings > Dual SIM & Mobile Network > Using Wi-Fi & Mobile Network > iSharing > Wi-Fi and Mobile Data
Disable Data Saver / Data Restriction
ColorOS 6
- Settings > Dual SIM & Mobile Network > Data Saving > Data Saving > OFF
- or Settings > Dual SIM & Mobile Network > Data Saving > Unrestricted data > iSharing > ON (an option for users who want to turn on data saver)
Turn off Battery Saver and/or Battery Optimizations 🔋
iSharing should be running in the background. But if battery optimizations is activated, Android forces to kill iSharing process.
To turn off battery optimizations for The app:
ColorOS 6
- Settings > Battery > Custom Power Consumption Protection > iSharing > Allow Background Running
- Settings > Battery > Power Saving Mode > Off
- Settings > Battery > Smart Power Saver > Off
Check 3rd party auto-clean application
Some third party auto-cleanup applications can prevent iSharing from running. If you have downloaded any cache cleaning or memory cleaning apps. please verify that iSharing is exempt.
Ensure that iSharing is allowed to Auto Startup
Some devices have settings which exclude some applications from starting. The most common phones to have these applications are Xiaomi, Oppo and Vivo.
ColorOS 6
- Settings > App management > iSharing > Auto Startup > enable
Lock iSharing from being forced closed by the Task Manager
Extremely important as it can completely stop iSharing from running when not opened
From the home screen, click on the lower left square menu icon to enter the multitasking interface. Find the iSharing screen and drag it down iSharing (as shown below) until a lock icon appears. (pictured below).
When the lock is enabled, iSharing will not be forced closed when you click the "X" (shown below) to clear memory.
**Please do not kill iSharing by pushing-up. If you do this, iSharing will be killed in the background. iSharing cannot update your location or receive your friend's location if killed.
Reboot the phone
In some case, the device could lost the connection with the location service. In this situation, rebooting the device will resolve the problem.