You can now create or join groups with your friends and family. With a group, you can stay connected with even more friends.
- You can create or join multiple groups. This means that you can have groups for your family, your friends, your teammates, and your book club.
- You can share your Premium Service subscription. If one of the group members is subscribed to Premium Service, all members will be able to enjoy the Premium Service features.
- You can set up Place Alerts for the whole group. You can set one place for the whole group and receive alerts when each group member leaves or arrives at the place.
How to get started:
1. Click the Group Selector at the top of your friend list view. It will be defaulted as "All Friends" but selecting this will allow you to see your groups or create a new one.
2. Click the '+ New' button and name your new group.
3. Click the '+' button on the right side of your group name, and share the invite code with the people that you want to be a part of your group.
To learn more about what you can do with Group, please visit this page.