- What is a Group?
- How can I create a Group?
- How can I add a new member to my Group?
- How can I join a Group?
- Can I be in multiple Groups?
- How do I change the name of my Group?
Statuses and Markers
Multidevice Linking
- How to find my lost phone
- Can I use iSharing from a computer?
- Can I use a single account on multiple devices?
- Understanding device markers on the map
- How to Log in to the Web App with Apple and Facebook Accounts
- How can I change the main device
Edit Account
- [Android] Cannot See Google Maps? (Map is blank)
- [Android] How to Resolve Screen Flickering Issue
- Troubleshooting the “Unknown Error: code=-1200” on iOS
- [Android] I'm getting a Google Play Services error message.
- [iOS] I get a notification that says "Not enough space."
- [iOS] I get notifications that say "Update Location"