iSharing's Driving Report feature allows all users to easily see their driving habits and track how safely they and their friends are driving. When a user completes a trip in a car, they will be able to see the driving report for that trip through their Location History page.
iSharing’s Driving Report feature detects the 5 following events:
Max Speed
Max Speed is displayed in the app in mph or km/h, depending on the metric you have selected on your settings. You can change between miles and km at any time. iSharing collects the speed of the entire trip and displays the highest speed from the trip.
High Speed
High Speed in iSharing’s Driving Report is defined as the speed at which the driver and the passengers of the vehicle may be in danger. Because of this, high speed events are measured when the speed is over 80mph or 130km/h. It will not reflect the speed limits by the traffic laws.
High Speed events will be displayed by the distance in which the vehicle traveled over the high speed limit. It will also be displayed on the map view as a line in a different color on the path.
Phone Usage
Each phone usage event is detected when the user interacts with the phone while driving. (i.e. when the driver unlocks the phone while driving or is texting while driving).
However, phone usage events will not be counted when the car is stopped. If the phone is fixed on a holder, not the hand of the driver, the event will not be counted. If the driver is interacting with a maps app for directions, the event will not be counted.
Hard Braking
Hard Braking events are counted when there is a big decrease in speed. If the speed of the vehicle decreases by over 7mph per second, the event is counted. Hard Braking will not be counted if the vehicle is moving at under 15mph.
Rapid Acceleration
Rapid Acceleration events are counted when there is a big increase in speed. If the speed of the vehicle increases by over 8mph per second, the event is counted. Rapid Acceleration will not be counted if the vehicle is moving at under 15mph.
So my events with the premium for iSharing was working and then it stops working and then now it’s not working again and I have emailed you guys three times and I have not heard anything yet. Could you please fix this or respond back to my emails?
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