Place Alerts are very closely correlated to users' location accuracy. Please note that location accuracy can be impacted by many factors, including your environment and your phone settings. Depending on factors, such as battery status or signal strength, Place Alerts can be delayed by up to 15 minutes.
When you're experiencing delayed notifications, please check the following:
- Check that the location settings(GPS) and Wi-Fi are both on
- Check whether the place is registered correctly. If the range of notifications is too small, you may need to increase the radius.
- iSharing > Menu(top left) > Place notification > select a friend > select a place > adjust range > save
Please refer to the below instruction for more detailed instructions on how to improve location accuracy:
- iPhone: How to improve location accuracy
- Android: How to improve location accuracy
- Huawei: How to improve location accuracy
- OPPO: How to improve location accuracy
- Xiaomi: How to improve location accuracy