If a specific Place Marker needs to be edited, you can do so like the following:
- Click on the specific Place Marker you'd like to edit.
- Press the settings button
- Make the necessary changes to the Place.
Alternatively, you can edit it through the Place Alerts settings in the menu:
- Menu (top left)
- Place Alerts
- Select a friend or group
- Edit Places
- Changes will be reflected on the Place Markers on the map.
If you're trying to change your Place Marker's category (i.e. change "school" to "work") you will have to delete that place and set it up again. You can do so like the following:
- Menu (top left)
- Place Alerts
- Select a friend or group
- Select the place you're trying to edit
- Scroll down and press delete.
- Add a new place with a new category.
If you want to turn Place Markers off completely, you can go to Settings and turn the toggle off.